Factor Signals

A financial factor dataset for in-depth company analysis and investment strategies.

Data is updated weekly as data arrives after market close US-EST time.

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This dataset includes traditional accounting factors, alternative financial metrics, and advanced statistical analyses, enabling sophisticated financial modeling.

It could be used for bottom-up equity selection strategies and for the development of investment strategies.

Data Access

Comprehensive Factors

Comprehensive Factors dataset is a merged set of both accounting and alternative financial metrics, providing a holistic view of a company's financial status.

df_factor_comp = sov.data("factors/comprehensive")

Accounting Factors

The Accounting Factors dataset includes key financial metrics related to accounting for various companies.

df_factor_actn = sov.data("factors/accounting")

Alternative Factors

This dataset contains alternative financial factors that are not typically found in standard financial statements.

df_factor_alt = sov.data("factors/alternative")

Coefficients Factors

The Coefficients Factors dataset includes various coefficients related to different financial metrics.

df_factor_coeff = sov.data("factors/coefficients")

Standard Errors Factors

This dataset provides standard errors for various financial metrics, useful for statistical analysis and modeling.

df_factor_std_err = get_data("factors/standard_errors")

T-Statistics Factors

The T-Statistics Factors dataset includes t-statistics for different financial metrics, offering insights into their significance.

df_factor_t_stat = get_data("factors/t_statistics")

Model Metrics

Model Metrics dataset includes various metrics such as R-squared, AIC, BIC, etc., that are crucial for evaluating the performance of financial models.

df_model_metrics = sov.data("factors/model_metrics")

Accessing Specific Tickers

You can also retrieve data for specific tickers across these datasets. For example:

df_ticker_factors_accounting = sov.data("factors/accounting", tickers=[ "GOOGL"])

This documentation provides a clear guide on how to access each dataset, and can be easily extended or modified as needed for additional datasets or details.

Data Dictionary

Financial Factors Dataset

ModelMetrics Dataset

In addition to the primary financial metrics and model metrics, our data suite includes three specialized datasets:

  • Coefficients: This dataset provides regression coefficients for various financial factors. These coefficients offer insights into the relative importance and impact of each factor in financial models.

  • Standard Errors: Accompanying the coefficients, this dataset provides the standard error for each coefficient. The standard errors are crucial for understanding the precision and reliability of the coefficients in the model.

  • T-Statistics: This dataset contains the t-statistic for each coefficient, a key metric for determining the statistical significance of each financial factor. It helps in evaluating the robustness of the coefficients' impact in the model.

These datasets form a comprehensive toolkit for financial analysis, enabling detailed regression analysis and statistical evaluation of financial factors.

Factor Analysis Datasets

Our suite of Factor Analysis datasets offers a rich and comprehensive resource for investors seeking to deepen their understanding of market dynamics and enhance their investment strategies. Here's an overview of each dataset and its potential use cases:

Comprehensive Financial Metrics

  1. Accounting Factors (FactorsAccounting): This dataset includes core financial metrics like profitability, solvency, and cash flow. It's invaluable for fundamental analysis, enabling investors to assess a company's financial health and operational efficiency.

  2. Alternative Factors (FactorsAlternative): Focusing on non-traditional financial metrics such as market risk, business risk, and political risk, this dataset helps in evaluating external factors that could impact a company's performance.

  3. Comprehensive Factors (FactorsComprehensive): A merged set of accounting and alternative factors providing a holistic view of a company's status. This dataset is perfect for a comprehensive financial analysis, blending traditional and modern financial metrics.

Advanced Statistical Analysis

  1. Coefficients (FactorsCoefficients): Reveals the weight or importance of each financial factor in a statistical model. Investors can use this to identify which factors are most influential in predicting stock performance.

  2. Standard Errors (FactorsStandardErrors): Provides precision levels of the coefficients. This is crucial for investors in assessing the reliability of the coefficients in predictive models.

  3. T-Statistics (FactorsTStatistics): Offers insights into the statistical significance of each factor. Investors can use this to gauge the robustness and credibility of the factors in their investment models.

  4. Model Metrics (ModelMetrics): Includes advanced metrics like R-squared, AIC, and BIC. This dataset is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of financial models, helping investors to choose the most reliable models for their investment decisions.

Potential Use Cases

  • Portfolio Construction and Optimization: By understanding the importance and impact of various financial factors, investors can construct and optimize their portfolios to maximize returns and minimize risks.

  • Risk Assessment and Management: Alternative factors, along with risk-related metrics from other datasets, enable investors to conduct thorough risk assessments, leading to better risk management strategies.

  • Market Trend Analysis: Long-term and medium-term momentum factors can be used for identifying prevailing market trends, aiding in strategic investment decisions.

  • Statistical Model Validation: Investors can validate their financial models using model metrics and statistical datasets (Standard Errors and T-Statistics), ensuring robustness and reliability in their analysis.

Last updated