Dimensionality Reduction

Implements multiple reduction techniques including PCA, SVD, Factor Analysis, Gaussian Random Projection, and UMAP.

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Reduction Techniques

The module supports the following dimensionality reduction methods:

  • PCA (Principal Component Analysis)

  • Factor Analysis

  • Gaussian Random Projection

  • UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection)

Usage Examples.

Authenticate and load data

import sovai as sov
df_mega = sov.data("accounting/weekly").select_stocks("mega").date_range("2018-01-01") 

1. Basic Usage with PCA

# Reduce dimensions using PCA
result = df_mega.reduce_dimensions(method="pca", n_components=10)

2. Using Gaussian Random Projection

# Reduce dimensions using Gaussian Random Projection
result = df_mega.reduce_dimensions(method="gaussian_random_projection", n_components=10)

3. UMAP with Verbose Output

# Reduce dimensions using UMAP with verbose output
result = df_mega.reduce_dimensions(method="umap", verbose=True, n_components=10)

4. Factor Analysis

# Reduce dimensions using Factor Analysis with verbose output
result = df_mega.reduce_dimensions(method="factor_analysis", verbose=True, n_components=10)

Advanced Usage

The underlying dimensionality_reduction function offers more control over the reduction process:

from dimensionality_reduction import dimensionality_reduction

# Assuming df is your input DataFrame
result = dimensionality_reduction(df, method='pca', explained_variance=0.95, verbose=True)

This advanced usage allows for specifying the amount of variance to be explained if n_components is not provided.

Performance Considerations

  • The dimensionality reduction process can be computationally intensive, especially for large datasets or when using methods like UMAP.

  • PCA and Truncated SVD are generally faster than UMAP for large datasets.

  • Consider using a smaller number of components or a subset of your data if performance is a concern.

Last updated