Signal Evaluation

This module provides a wide array of analytical tools and visualizations to help quantitative analysts and portfolio managers evaluate the quality, consistency, and robustness of their alpha signals.

Tutorials are the best documentation — Signal Evaluation Tutorial

Key Features

  • Comprehensive performance analysis

  • Risk-adjusted return metrics

  • Stress testing capabilities

  • Drawdown analysis

  • Return distribution analysis

  • Signal persistence evaluation


To use the Signal Evaluator, you first need to prepare your signal data. The module expects a DataFrame containing your signal values. Once you have your data ready, you can initialize the Signal Evaluator as follows:

import sovai as sov

# Authenticate

# Prepare your signal data
df_signal ="your_signal_data_source")

# Initialize the Signal Evaluator
 = df_signal.signal_evaluator()

Available Analyses and Visualizations

Performance Plot

This visualization helps in understanding the overall effectiveness of the signal and its risk-adjusted performance over time.


This plot provides a comprehensive view of the signal's performance over time. It includes:

  • Cumulative returns of the strategy

  • A 95% confidence interval based on random simulations

  • A rolling Sharpe ratio on a secondary y-axis

Signal Decile Plot

This helps in understanding how different levels of the signal correspond to future returns, providing insights into the signal's predictive power across its range.


This plot breaks down the signal's performance by strength, showing:

  • Cumulative returns for each signal decile

  • Average Sharpe ratios for each decile

Stress Test Plot


This visualization shows how the signal performs during various historical market stress events, helping to assess:

  • Strategy robustness during market crises

  • Potential for drawdowns during extreme market conditions

  • Comparative performance against benchmark during stress periods

Drawdown Plot


This plot visualizes the drawdowns of the strategy over time, helping to understand:

  • Magnitude of historical drawdowns

  • Frequency of drawdowns

  • Recovery periods

Return Distribution Plot

This plot helps in understanding the risk profile of the strategy and the likelihood of extreme returns.


This histogram shows the distribution of strategy returns, typically including:

  • Mean return

  • Standard deviation

  • Skewness and kurtosis

  • Various risk metrics (e.g., VaR, CVaR)

Returns Heatmap


This heatmap displays strategy returns across different months and years, useful for identifying:

  • Seasonal patterns in performance

  • Consistency of returns over time

  • Years or months of outperformance/underperformance

Signal Autocorrelation Plot


This plot shows the autocorrelation of the signal over time, providing insights into:

  • Signal persistence

  • Potential for mean reversion

  • Optimal holding periods

Portfolio Turnover Plot


This visualization depicts portfolio turnover over time, separated into long and short positions. It helps in assessing:

  • Trading costs

  • Strategy stability

  • Potential capacity constraints

Performance Statistics Table


This comprehensive table presents key performance statistics, including:

  • Annualized returns

  • Sharpe ratio

  • Sortino ratio

  • Maximum drawdown

  • Calmar ratio

  • Other relevant performance indicators

10. Drawdown Analysis Table


This table provides detailed information about the worst drawdown periods, including:

  • Drawdown magnitude

  • Duration of drawdowns

  • Recovery times

Other Core Attributes

The Signal Evaluator also provides access to several core attributes for further analysis:

  1. evaluator.positions: Initial portfolio holdings derived from the signal

  2. evaluator.rebalance_mask: Boolean mask indicating rebalancing schedule

  3. Actual portfolio holdings after applying rebalancing

  4. evaluator.returns: Returns of the underlying assets

  5. evaluator.position_returns: Returns of the portfolio positions

  6. evaluator.resampled_returns: Returns resampled to match rebalancing frequency

  7. evaluator.portfolio_returns: Aggregate portfolio returns

  8. evaluator.cumulative_returns: Cumulative performance of the portfolio

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